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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] May 15, 1908 [[/underlined]]

Region 6^[h] +60°
AC 7206 superposed on D 13409 = AC 4417

1. Known zeta Cam.  Much brighter on negative

2. Known nu Cam.   Bright on negative. Very faint on positive

3. [[drawing star field]] No. 71  See also page 32
Brighter on negative
This follows ^[and is north] +73° 366  6^[h] 58 10  +73 33.1 
Marked on I 28021
Br. on I 808, I 804, I 16673, I 16880, I 25072, I 5590, I 22189, I 7986, I 8307, I 9827, [[strikethrough]] I 1980 [[/strikethrough]] I 19608 vy. bright.
9.8^[m] on AC 5909
10.9 on AC 5909
Certainly ft. on A [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] C 4417  Probably Algol type
Br. on AC 6956, 5710  Var. conf. by L.D.W.
Bright on AC 4428 taken Dec. 23, 1903.
Faint on AC 4417 " " [[ditto for taken Dec.]] 22, " [[ditto for 1903.

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[[preprinted]] 27 [[/preprinted]]

May 15, 1908

4. [[drawing star field]]
Brighter on [[strikethrough]] positive [[/strikethrough]] negative
Faint on AC 6956
May be due to density.
Bright on 4840
Almost on limit of vis. of these plates. Look up on I plates.

4^[h] 48.6  +66 40 aprox. 1855
Not in DM.
Marked on I 20003 (br/?)'Examined I 12287, I 12214, 12161, I 9821, I 16592 (ft.?)
No certain changes found.
Ft. on AC 5909.