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May 15, 1908

AC 7216 cont.

5. Known tau Cam  Brighter on negative

6. No. 72  Brighter on positive
No. 72 Br. on I 28316 ^[[marked]], I 8117, I 3111, I 25114,
Slightly ft. on I 98207
+61° 887 6^[[h]] 1.6 16  +61 38.2 9.3
[[strikethrough]] Bright [[/strikethrough]] Medium on 5841, ^[[6066]], 3888, 4872, ^[[Bright on]] 4553, 4498
Bright 4458

Faint on 5909, 3939
Variation conf. by L.D.W. from AC 5909, 7206,
5378, 3939, 4553,

Magn. 9.2 in AC 4417
" [[ditto for Magn.]] in AC 5909

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May 15, 1908

8. Brighter on negative
Br. on 5710, 6956, 4771, 5683, 5414, 5917
Not in DM. approx. 1855, 5^[[h]] 12.5  +54 35.

Comparing 5917 with 4417, this star certainly shows a change. Variable, unless 4417 is defective.
Br. on 3939, 5714,4458,5378,5907,5746,4533,4428,5841,5341,5355,5710,5177,5492,5513,3933,6956
Bright- Marked on I 32817. Br. on I 28314, I 22223, I 12515, I 14930, I 11908, I 16239, I 15174, I 15352, I 15543, I 16505,
23570, 3888, 4872, I 7864, I 7322, I 7611, I 595, I 772, I 5481, I 3110, I 15741, I 15971, I 9512, I 10364, I 12296.
Bright on AC 264, 514, 559, 639, 662, 752, 1084, 1131, 1171, 1252, 1345, 1697, 1818, 1877, 4426, 1945, 2163, 2273, 2334, 2781, 2899, 2952, 3095, 3112, 3184, 3193, 3251
76 plates examined show this star of normal brightness, hence I assume that the faintness on AC 4417 may be due to defect.

9. Known R Aurigae   Brighter on positive.

10. Known chi Aurigae  Brighter on negative
5 known variables & 2 new ones found.
2 suspected objects.