Viewing page 29 of 110

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[[preprinted]] 56 [[/preprinted]]

May 27, 1908
6^[[h]] +30°
AC 7 [[strikethrough]] 49[[/strikethrough]] 948 (cont)

5. Brighter on positive.
Br. on 7230, 5776.

[[sketch star field]]
Marked on I 10185.
Br. on 15983, 10185, 7784, 2653

Image probably defective on AC7948.

6. Bright on negative. A very bright star.
RX Aurigae

7. Bright on negative 
Circ. 130
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 57 [[/preprinted]]
May 27, 1908

6^[[h]] +30° 
AC 7948 cont.

8. Bright on positive
Bright on 7231, 5776, 3469, 5883, [[strikethrough]] 5573, [[/strikethrough]]
7948, 5907, 5340, 122, 3496, 
3984, 4820, 5883, 3456,
[[sketch star field]]

Certainly ft. on 7948. Variable unless this is defective image.
approx. 6^[[h]] 16 +37 
Get 20 I plates.

Has this ever been looked up?
Feb 28, 1910 [[/insertion]]

Transcription Notes:
Handwriting very hard to read