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No. 219 | Bonbori, hand lantern.
" [[ditto for: No.]] 220 | Rosoku, candles
[[double underlined]] 3 Personal Articles [[/underlined]]
No. 221 | Tabaco. Ire. (Koshisage) tobacco pouch which is fastened to the belt by means of the Netsuke (kind of button)
" [[ditto for: No.]] 222 | Tabaco Ire. (Koshidzashi) tobacco pouch with case for pipe.
" [[ditto for: No.]] 223 | (Kamasu) tobacco pouch.
" [[ditto for: No.]] 224 | " " [[dittos for: Tabaco Ire (Kuwaichiu) pocket tobacco pouch
" [[ditto for: No.]] 225 | Tabaco Ire. (Tamoto-otoshi) pocket tobacco pouch for female
" [[ditto for: No.]] 226 | Kiserutoshi, pipe cleaner
" [[ditto for: No]] 227 | Kuwaichiumono, pocket book for paper money, coins, papers, medicines &c when walking 
" [[ditto for: No]] 228 | Kuwaichiumono, ditto [[ditto for: pocket book for paper money, coins, papers, medicines &c when walking]]
" [[ditto for: No]] 229 | Shiheiire, paper money pouch
" [[ditto for: No]] 230 | Kuwa heiire, coin pouch.