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June 24-29. Protection of works of Art and of Monuments.
Aug. 4-11. Hygiene and Demography.
Aug. 5-11. Physiological Psychology.
Aug. 8-15. Association Francaise pour l'Advancement des Sciences.
Aug. 10-17. Anthropologie Criminelle.
Aug. 19-26. Anthropology and prehistoric Archaeology. 
Sciences Ethnographiques.
Traditions Populaires.

An account of one will show the spirit and conduct of all. 

At least one year before the first of September 1889 the Executive Committee of the Congres International d'Anthropologie ^[[et Archaeologie]] Prehistorique sent circulars to every distinguished anthropologist on earth inviting him to attend the Session in Paris and begging him to cooperate. From that time on^[[,]] he was occasionally reminded by this central committee of what was being done. In the spring of 1889 the Committee of the Exposition on Congresses assigned the days and places of meeting for each, chiefly in the rooms of the University and colleges i n the Latin Quarter, because the lectures would be intermitting during the vacation. The Committee of the Congress of Anthropologie were then able to send out a definite program.

The plan of procedure after the usual routine of org-