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anization, was to hold session in the University^[[,]] and then adjourn each day to one of the celebrated collection^[[s]] of the city or to one of the Anthropological sections of the great Exposition under the guidance of some one pe^[[r]]fectly familiar with the material. 

The questioned discussed in the Congress were the following: 
1. Erosion and filling of valleys and filling of caverns^[[,]] both in their relation to the antiquity of man.
2. Periodicity of glacial phenomena.
3. Arts and industries in the caverns and in the alluvium. Value of palaeontological and archaeological [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] classifications applied to the quaternary epoch.
4. Chronological relations between the ages of stone, bronze, and iron. 
5. Relationsbetween the civilizations of Hallstadt and other stations in Daubes and those of Mycenae, Tirhyns, Issarlik, and the Caucasus.
6. Critical examinations of crania and other human bones alleged to have been found in the quaternary during the last fifteen years. ^[[E]]thnic elements peculiar to the different ages of stone, bronze and iron in Central and Western Europe.