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7. Ethnographic survivals which throw light upon the social condition of primitive populations in Central and Western Europe. 

8. How far do archaecologic or ethnographic analogies authorize the hypothesis of prehistoric consanguinity or of migrations?

The thoroughness of this work may be imagined from the following list of guides and lecturers. Jardin des Plantes, Mm. Quatrefages, Gaudry and Hamy. Palais de Justice Mm. Quatrefages, Gaudry and Hamy. Palais de Justice M. Alphonso Bertillon. Laboratoire d'Anthrologie, M. Manouvrier, Chudzinski. Musee St. Germain, Mm. Bertrand Mortillet, Reinach. Chellean Collection, Le Compte d'Acy. Collections in the Exposition, Mm. Topinard, Cartailhac, Piette, Valdemar Schmidt, Marquis de Nadaillac. 

Besides the anthropological exhibits in the Palais de l'Industrie, much material relating to our special subject was to be seen in the colonial and foreign pavilions. For example, Finland, Mexico, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cololombia, Hawaii, Portugal, New Guinea, Transvaal, Algeria, Tunis, Anam and Tonkin, French India, Tahiti and French Oceanica, New Caledonia, Mayotte, Guiana, Senegal, Gabon, Congo, Guadeloupe (Guesde), Cambodia, Cohin China and Java.