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thropologist and to the historian. The Kunstgewerbe Museum and the K. Museum fur volkerkunde..In the former substances, arts, evolution and history predominate. It is the German South Kensington. In the latter topographical, ethnical concepts predominate. Those two great museums are installed in beautiful new buildings erected for the purpose far away from the site of the National Gallery. The Anthropological Museum is built on the corner of Zimmer Strasse and Konneggratzer strasse in form of an irregular quadrangle with an entrance tower at the intersection of the streets. The building is four stories in height, excepting the basement. In the first exhibition story is installed with great effect the Schulman collections and the Archaeological treasures. On the second story are to be seen the sports of Africa, Oceanica and America. 

In the third story are the treasures of Eastern Asia and in the fourth story the Anthropological material. Too much cannot be said in praise of the richness of this museum. The arrangement being simply by regions, by nationalities, or by tribes, little attempt has been made to work out any of the finer problems of Ethbology. 

From Berlin the curator journeyed to Stockholm where with unspealable pleasure he had the opportunity of ex-