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[[underlined]] Piegan Indians, Montana. [[/underlined]] Dr. C. H. Merriam (23828): Beadwork.

[[underlined]] Leadville, Montana. [[/underlined]] Lewis Engel (24128): Miner's Candle holder.

[[underlined]] Sioux Indians, Dakota. [[/underlined]] - Mrs. E. J. Stone (23319): child's moccasins (1 pr). Dr. Z. T. Daniel (23489)[[written above]] 24244, 24013 [[/above]] [[written below]] 23675, 24526 [[/below]]: Tweezers, carved pipestone; wooden pipe; buffalo horns (2 prs); tobacco pouch; [[strikethrough]] marrow [[strikethrough]] antelope bones showing method of extracting marrow; gun lever, Custers' battle; photos. (2). Capt. John G. Bourke, U.S. Army, (24113)[[written above]] 24132 [[/above]]: War club; herald's wand; medium man's shirt; baldric; tobacco bags (2) pipes (2) toy moccasins (1 pr). A. J. Standing (23370): Pipe and pipe pouch. Lewis Engel (24548): Photograph of seven chiefs.