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toy baskets (2); rattles (2); ornaments (16); basket tray; womans girdle; girdle 1; head ornament; head dress; baskets (10); rabbit club (3); pipes (4); bone flaker; medicine drum.
[[underlined]] Apaches, Arizona. - [[/underlined]] Capt. John G. Bourke, U.S.A. (24142): Twirling sticks (2); tobacco bags (2); medicine cord; buckskin coat; moccasins (3 prs); Canteen; arrow points; agency tag; louse catcher; basket tray; mystery flute; brush; toy baskets (3); basket; war club; sacred meal; medicine arrows (2); playing cards; awl case; head-dress (4); fiddle; doll babies (4); bows (3); arrows (4); game; head ornament; talisman; sacred meal bag; scratch stick and drinking reed; medicine cords (3);