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tinent. It is possible now to make a display embracing every stock of importance. 

Mr. Heli Chatelaine visited the Museum and received his instructions for exploration in Angola. 

The Curator has given some attention to selecting a series or type heads for the colossal keystones of the new Library Building. 

Mrs. Matilda Stevenson, of the bureau of Ethnology, has rendered efficient services in identifying the fetishes and other religious objects from the Pueblos. 

Capt. John G. Bourke, U.S.A. has been ordered to his regiment, but he continues to send material from his field of labor. 

Dr. Z. T. Daniel, of the Indian Service, has proved a valuable friend in contributing both specimens and information. 

Mr. Hough has given much time to Mr. Chatelaine's collection and outfit. He has recorded the Cincinnati exchange and worded the 'drinking' series. 

Miss Latham's time has been taken up in copying, and