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[[preprinted letterhead]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] activities as a mark of kinship and race, and how for climate and the resources of the earth control the arts and industries of mankind in the sphere of language and race. For the purpose of testing this question thoroughly, the following stocks have been selected: Algonquian, Athapascan, Eskimoan, Iroquoian, Kiowan, Kolluschian, Muskhogean, Piman, Shoshonian, Siouan, and Yuman, [[strikethrough]] families [[/strikethrough]] in order to emphasize regional influences as affecting activities regardless of stock. Southeast of Alaska ^[[and British Columbia]] was chosen as one region, northern Cal. Oregon and Washington as another, southern Cal. and