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[[preprinted letterhead]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON [[/preprinted]] would be to find out how for uniformity of activities had been secured over this wide and varied area by the possession of a common language. The Iroquoian stock occupied the region around lakes Erie and Ontario, and the upper St. Lawrence river. They were also in possession of the Susquehan^[[n]]a drainage, the mountainous region of [[strikethrough]] Tenn., Ky., Va. [[/strikethrough]] Tennessee Kentucky, Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia [[strikethrough]] Ga., [[/strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] Ala. [[/strikethrough]] Alabama with ten small grants on the Atlantic coast, one in southern Virginia, the other in eastern N. Carolina. The territory of the Muskhogean stock was bounded on the west by the Miss. river, north by the Tenn. river and Cherokee country, south by the Gulf of