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[[logo]] Venezia Bauer Grunwald Grand Hotel Italie [[/logo]]

Venice Nov. 9 /22

Mr Germain Seligmann.
  705. Fifth Avenue
   New York
Dear Mr. Seligmann.
 With sincere greetings and best wishes I wish you to know that my family and myself will sail from  Naples for New York on the Steamer Colombo Dec. 7th and due in New York Dec 20. I expect the pleasure to see you before my return to Chicago I still received cordial letters from Mr & Mrs Stout and they are as ever interested in high class Art. and no doubt you have tapestries and Bronzes worthy of their admiration. We have been all over Spain and now a great part of Italy in fact we have seen great deal of continental Europe and outside of Museums I have not seen any paintings or objects of Art worthy of my appreciation. Your father