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[[Heading]] TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 2733 
CHICAGO, ILL. [[/Heading]]
May 15, 1922
Dear Mr. Yucker:
Many sincere thanks for your kindness to secure for me the informations I need for Mr Stout which are very satisfactory. But Mr Stout is now in Wisconsin and even correspondances will be slow to reach him. I would suggest to inform Mr Livaneur that I will sail from N. Y. the 15th of July and I will see him in Paris and let him know the wishes of Mr Stout as surely even before the time of our sailings I will have meet or received news of Mr Stout, that no doubt will be very delighted to know that his wishes can be granted. Best regards from Mrs Chatain and myself to Mrs Yucker and you, we expect the pleasure to see you in N.Y the first week of July before our sailing my son Paul will be with us we will make a long trip that will end in spain. Very cordially yours Prof A. Chatain