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March 4th 1922

Mr. Alfred Chatain,
629 Woodland Park,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mr. Chatain,-

Since you spoke to me of the three pictures of Mr. Stout by Fromentin, Corot and Isabey, I have looked up two of the Cent chef- d'oeuvre editions. One of them is by Albert Wolff. In this case I cannot find any of the three pictures illustrated. I find one by Isabey in the other edition published by Roger Miles, but it is "The Departure for the Hunt", and not "The Return from the Hunt", which Mr. Stout has. In the same book by Roger Miles, published in 1892, I find Mr. Stout's Fromentin "The Passage of the ford. This illustration is 4 1/4" high and 8 1/2" wide. The Corot is in none of these two books. I then tried to find an illustration of the Corot in the book by Alfred Robaut, which contains over 3000 illustrations of the said master. Here is the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insc]]ription which I happened to find ^[[of this picture:]] 

L'oeuvre de Corot par Alfred Robaut
Tome III, page 168
No 1692
Vers 1860 - La Danse supres de la Fontaine Antique
(effet du Soir) 0.45 x 0.75 environ.
Signe en bas, a gauche
Collection Soultzener (1873)
Dessin par Alfred Robaut (chez M. Soultzener 1873)
Eau-forte par Brunet_Debaisnes (Goupil, editeur)
For verification I give you a small description of the picture as follows: