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[[preprinted]] TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 2733 [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] A. CHATAIN 629 WOODLAND PARK NEAR 35TH STREET CHICAGO, ILL. [[/preprinted]]

   R 14/4/22
April 11, 1922

Dear Mr Tucker:-
  Recently I spend the evening with Mr & Mrs Stout. they expressed their wishes to have the book of the Cent Chef D'oeuvres where the pictures they purchased from the Glanzer firm are reproduced he also would wish more informations referring to the Corot and get again some of the lithograph from the painting the same as I have given him at the time of the purchase you know he own the famous Fromentin large size with many horses etc. Also the Isabey an interior many figure etc. He wish any works or photographs that refer to these paintings, he said that he will paid whatever is reasonable for there references. You would do me a favor as well as Mr & Mrs Stout if you can help to