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Prof. A. Chatain
Chicago,  -4-  Mar.16.22

a hundred pieces of furniture of that period, there is only one that is really genuine, and this one is the only [[underlined]] entirely [[/underlined]] genuine piece of furniture that we have found in many years. We can assure you that we would be proud to see it in Mr. Stout's house, and we are certain that everybody will congratulate him, because we are convinced that there is not one similar piece of furniture in the whole United States. The price of it is $18.000.

The bronze we are sending Mr. Stout is, as you know, a very fine example of the Venetian work of the 16th century. It represents "Adonis" with a dog, carried out by J. Colonna, foremost pupil of Sansovino. J. Colonna has executed in Venice for the Church San Salvatore and for the church San Croce, as well as at Padoua for the church San Antonia, several statues in marble and terra-cotta, and at the Academy of Venice one can also see a beautiful marble statue representing Christ nude, executed by the same artist for San Croce della Ciudecca. The price of this bronze is Frs. 25.000, plus 5% Excise Tax.

Although Mr. Stout will no doubt realize it, may we ask you to draw his attention to the amazing opportunity he has just now, on account of the exchange conditions, to purchase first quality works of art at extremely reasonable prices, as our prices are in francs, with the exception of the Renaissance piece  f furniture.

Pray believe us, dear Professor,
Yours very sincerely,

N.B. Lady Ashburton's mansion is Melchet Court, Romsey (Hampshire)