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March 22nd 1922

Mr. A. Chatain
629 Woodland Park
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mr. Chatain,-

We are forwarding to-day per American Railway Express the following pieces of antique furniture including one bronze:

One box-wood arm-chair
Sofa with one arm-chaircovered with Beauvais tapestry
A Renaissance piece of furniture
One Renaissance Italian bronze

Details have already been furnished to you. These objects are packed in four cases, addressed direct to Mr. Frank D. Stout, 3150 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, as suggested by you. The cases are leaving to-day so that they will probably be delivered in Chicago on Saturday. 

Would you be kind enough to inform the secretary of Mr. Stout that the cases should not be opened as we shall send our own man, Mr. Charles Keyser, to attend to this. He knows how they are packed and how they should be unpacked. He will arrive in Chicago Sunday evening so as to be at Mr. Stout's residence on Monday morning. 

We are sending, in spite of your telegraph, one sofa and one arm-chair of the Beauvais set because we beli^[[e]]ve that, should we only send one piece, we ought to send the most important one, that is the sofa, and on the other hand we want Mr. Stout to realize how lovely and comfortable the arm-chairs are. We also send you a photo of 2 other arm-chairs, the balance not having been photographed.