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William and Pine Streets
New York, ^[[Feb. 13,]] 1917



Jacques Seligmann, Esq.
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

My daughter's arrival last Sunday and the numerous engagements which I had made for yesterday made it, to my regret, impossible for me to see you on either of those days. My wife and I hope to arrange another appointment in the early future.

^[[No 452]]

I have taken note of what you tell me in your letter on the subject of the insurance of my Gothic tapestry which is in your possession, and I shall try and have the insurance covered through my own insurance agent. Meanwhile I hereby confirm to you that you are not responsible for the insurance of that tapestry whilst it is in your possession.

Very faithfully yours,

[[signature]] Otto H Kahn [[/signature]]


^[[Keep in safe

^[[returned Mar 15. 1917
to Otto Kahn
[[underlined]] 8 E 68th Str [[/underlined]] ]]