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We shall be very glad to have the honor of your visit to the Exhibition of M. Edouard Larcade of Paris in our galleries.
Although M. Larcade has rarely crossed the Atlantic, he is nevertheless well known to American collectors. He secured for Mr. Hoentschell the entire series of 18th Century gilt bronzes now in the Morgan collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A large part of the antique wooden sculptures, the enamels, ivories and tapestries which make up this famous collection, was discovered or gathered by M. Larcade. Numerous pieces of the Dreicer bequest, also at the Metropolitan Museum, and in particular a remarkable French primitive, came from his Galleries.
The museums of France are equally indebted to M. Larcade's erudition, artistic activities and generosity. Recently he presented to the Louvre an entire collection of antique bronzes and sculptures in wood, which are now exhibited in his name. The Museums of Cluny and Versailles, and the Chateu d'Azay le Rideau, have all received important gifts from him.
The present exhibition will be a distinctive even in the New York art season. The series of six Gothic tapestries, more beautiful than any in the great private collections or museums of America, will alone cause the keenest interest among collectors and amateurs. Until a few weeks ago these superb tapestries, representing The Hunt of the Unicorn, were the most precious adornment of the Chateau of the de La Rochefoucauld family at Verteuil, where they had been for almost five centuries. 
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However, there are other remarkable works of art in the exhibition of M. Larcade. In our Galleries he has grouped, with the eclecticism of the critical amateur and of a man of taste, many of the purest and most characteristic specimens of all the great epochs of the world's art.
Mediaeval French art, so supremely represented by the tapestries, is also displayed in several admirable sculptures and a wonderful painting of the 15th century. The suave Italian Quattrocento appears in an incomparable marble bust by Rossellino, a delightful bust in polychromed wood of a young man, and a finely expressive bas relief by Verocchio.
Chinese art is also well represented, from its primitive sculptures, so striking in character, down to the grace and gayety of the Kang Hsi porcelains, charmingly mounted in French ormolu of the Louis XV and Louis XVI periods. The remarkable vases of the Ming period will certainly attract the attention of connoisseurs.
The Exhibition includes the rarest Persian pottery plates, and an ensemble of furniture and objects of art of the French 18th century, which are among the most perfect specimens that the masters of that period have produced.
Is there any need to say more? It is difficult to select individual pieces for special mention, in a collection of such rarity and interest. The Exhibition will speak for itself.
All the specimens are offered for private sale only by M. Larcade.
The Exhibition will be open to the public beginning Monday, November twentieth, from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.