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March 23rd, 1915

Miss Lily Lawlor
131 East 66th Street
New York City

My dear Miss Lawlor:
  As you are interested in works of art of the finest quality, I do not want to leave this country withouthaving had the opportunity of showing you an absolutely unique specimen of the best art of the Fourteenth Century. This refers to a sarcophagus in Verona marble quite unique in character, as it has not only perfect architectural features, but is besides decorated with coats of arms, and in the central panel with Virgin and Child in the Byzantine spirit. I do not think that as perfect a specimen is to be found in any Museum either here or abroad, and to find its equivilent, one would have to look through churches in Italy and perhaps find one there. I also must tell you how much age has added to it's beauty, as the patina of time has given it a most delicate pink coloration. The size is : length 7'4", height 3', depth 2'7", so that it is not impossible to use it with a marvelous decorative effect in a great hall or court.  I hope that my description has been tempting enough to induce you to come see it.