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Telephone Roslyn 256-257

Roslyn, Long Island

April 14, 1919.

Mr. Glanzer,
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.,
705 Fifth Avenue, N.Y.C.

Dear Sir:-

Will you please advise me when we may expect Mr. Greber?

Yesterday I loaned the pictures of the Widener place to Dr. Preston P. Satterwhite who said he was very much interested and also remarked that he had seen these same pictures at the White Allom office.

I believe I can arrange for Mr. Greber to do some work on the Satterwhite place and Dr. Satterwhite has asked me to bring him over when he arrives.

Dr. Satterwhite is well acquainted with Stotesbury and Mackey.

I am today addressing Mr. Edgar Luckenbach who bought the John Liggett estate at Port Washington and who contemplates doing a lot of work to call at your office and see Mr. Greber's photographs.

Is there any more we can do toward getting either Greber or ourselves connected up with the Frick work?

I am writing Capt. Mayer to see if he knows Mr. Luckenbach and if so if we would like to speak a good word for Mr. Greber.  Perhaps some of Mr. Greber's other clients know Mr. Luckenbach and would like to do something for us on this.

Very truly yours,

[[signature]] Albert A. Lewis [[/signature]]