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May 12th, 1919

My dear Mrs. Lewisohn:-
I am very sorry indeed to hear that I will not have the pleasure of seeing you again before my departure. My secretary tells me that you have decided to keep the two Bronze Mortars, and I truly believe that you are quite wise in doing so. I think you would do well, in case you will like following my suggestion and let me know, either here before Saturday next, date of my departure, or at 57 rue Saint Dominique, Paris, whether you would entrust me with the selection of a third mortar which, I am more convinced than ever, would look exceedingly well on the table behind the sofa, as that is the place more than any other, where the mortar would be of absolute use for a fine plant or flowers.
Enclosed please find memorandum of your purchase.
I shall not fail, should I find mantelpieces which could be appropriated for your rooms, to send you photographs, sizes, etc.