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Lewisohn    -S-    12/7/16

and useful information. 

To-day I received a cable from our New York representative giving us the size of the boudoir for which you would be glad to find a suitable boiserie. Our representative gives us length and width of said room, but does not indicate the heighth of it. We therefore cable him to ask you this additional information. 

A detailed plan of the room is also most interesting to have on hand because one has to take in consideration the windows and doors, and see whether an existing boiserie can be adapted to such requirements. 

It is intentionally that I say the word [underline]] "adapt" [[/underline]] because it is not only improbable but impossible to find an existing boiserie of which the doors and windows would fit an already existing room. This also applies to the size; meaning by this that an existing boiserie may not correspond in width and length with the existing room for which it is intended. This, however, is of no great consequence as, should you take the trouble to examine old boiseries which have been placed in rooms of people whom you know, you will be able to find out that said boiseries have been re-handled (cut down in size or enlarged) to fit the requirements. 

We have several interesting boiseries of which photographs can be sent to you, but only after we know length, width and height of your room. We already have length and width of your room, and we presume that we will very soon receive from our New York house the additional information as to the heighth which we asked by cable. It would, as you see, be useless to send you photographs of boiseries higher than your room, so that is the only part which cannot be altered, ad alterations can only be made in length & widh