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December 10th 1921

Drummond Libly, Esq.
330 Park Avenue
New York

Dear Sir,-

My father, Mr. Jacques Seligmann, is in this country but for a short time and would like very much to see you. He received from our Paris firm the little note you sent him when you were in Toledo, and he regretted very much not meeting you.

My father has often heard of you through Prof. Gunsaulus, of Chicago, who often spoke of you to him as being one of the leading art patrons of this country. I therefore take the liberty to ask you to call at our galleries at above address, where I could show you some most extraordinary and remarkable works of art of an early period, as well as of the 18th century. I would especially enjoy showing you one of the most astounding stone carvings of the XVth century that have ever come to this country, and which you would certainly appreciate.

My father will be in town until December 14th, which means another four days. Could you come in before he sails, he would be delighted to make your acquaintance. If not, I will be glad to show you our galleries.

Yours sincerely,