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2. NAME, IN THE ORDER OF THEIR IMPORTANCE, THE ACCESSIONS OF THE YEAR WHICH DESERVE [[underlined]] SPECIAL NOTICE [[/underlined]], AND STATE IN EACH CASE WHETHER GIVEN, LENT, RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE OR PURCHASED. The accessions which deserve special notice are Dr. W. L. Abbott's, from Kashmir; (a gift.) Dr. Washington Matthews, from the Navajo country; (a gift) and Enrico Giglioli, (exchange). I would recommend that a special illustrated catalogue of Dr. Abbott's specimens be prepared and it would be a pleasure to the Curator to give this testimonial of his high regard for Dr. Abbott and his generous donation. Already an illustrated catalogue has been published of Dr. Abbott's collection in Kilimanjaro and the one proposed here would resemble that in all respects. A brief catalogue should also be made of Dr. Matthews contribution of paints and of Giglioli's material with special description of those specimens which throw light upon the elaboration of primitive arts.