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-3- in the directon of ethnography rather than technography. The technographic series are now all assembled in the East Hall, an eastern portion of the Museum, while the western portion has been [[left margin]] ^[[checkmark]] [[/margin]] divided up so as to bring together objects connected with first, Negroid Africa; second, Malayo Polynesian or Indo Pacific people and third, various Asiatic people. These occupy the West Hall. The Northwest range is now given to the exhibition of North American Indian tribes especially those of the Arctic region and the West Coast. The Northwest Coart, formerly called Pottery Court, forms a part of this scheme at present. This Court will now be devoted entirely to a comprehensive view of the life and industries of the Pueblo tribes. The ancient pottery, not belonging to the Pueblo region has all been removed to the second story of the Smithsonian under the care of Dr. Wilson and the groups, cases and specimens relating to pueblo culture assembled [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]]here. It is proposed, by the head of the Dept., of Ethnology, to present in this room such a comprehensive view of te habitations, costumes and arts of the Pueblo tribes as to give an adequate opinion of their status of culture. He is fortunate in having as his coadjutors in this matter Mr. Frank Hamilton Cushing who has made many valuable suggestions and Dr. J. Walter Fewkes who, in his last summer's explorations in the Southwest, added the most valuable material that has ever come to the National Museum from the southwestern region. An account of Dr. Fewkes collection will be found in another part of this report.