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10. give a list of [[insert]] the [[/insert]] papers published during the year by yourself and your official associates and collaborators, so far as the same are based upon Museum material.  If any paper is based partly but not entirely upon Museum material, that fact should be indicated.

[Each notice for the bibliography should be accompanied by a full and complete citation (e.g., [[underline]] Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus.,XV., No.898, Aug.4, 1892, pp.179-219, pls. XIX-XXI, figs.8-10),[[/underline]] and also by a brief abstract of the paper.]

Mason, (Otis T.) "Primitive Travel and Transportation" Rep. [[insert]] Smithsonian Inst. [[/insert]] U.S. Nat. [[strikeout]]ional [[/strikeout]Mus.[[strikeout] eum, [[/strikeout], 1894 [[insert]] (1897) [[/insert]] pp. 237-593; pls. I - XXV, figs. 1-260

This paper discusses going afoot, including the study of special costumes and appliances occasioned thereby; man as a carrier and in drawing loads.

Mason, (Otis T.) The Antiquity of Certain curved Knies, Nature, London, April 8, 1897, p. 5334.  this paper describes the whittling knives introduced into America by whites, and seeks to find their distribution in the Old World.

Mason, (Otis. T.) Influence of Environment on Human Industries or Arts, [[insert]] Rep. [[/insert]] Smithsonian [[insert]] Inst. [[/insert]] 1895, [[insert]] (1897) [[/insert]] pp. 639-665, pl. LXIX, figs 1,2.  This paper forms one of a serious on environments, and seeks to show how surrounding nature affects and conditions all human activities.  Environmental or culture areas [[arrow and insert]] 18 in number [[/arrow and insert]] are worked out for the western world.

Mason, (Otis. T.) "Eskimo throwing sticks," Nature, London, July 23, 1896, p. 271.  This paper identifies a hitherto unknown form from Prince William Sound, Alaska.

Mason, (Otis. T.) "The pointed canoe of the Kutenai River," Science, June 11, 1897, [[Strikeout]] vol. [[/Strikeout]]V. p. 927.   This paper compares the pointed canoe of the Kutenai river with those of the Amoor, in Asia.

Transcription Notes:
...think there was mention about including inserts, strikethroughs and underlines but that other formatting was not necessary to reproduce.