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This after noon I went down through the pasture. I went nearly a quarter of a mile down to the river but saw no birds. I crossed a fence and happening to pull the bark from a post I found two bitter-nuts placed there I think by a Red-headed Wood pecker as this is a haunt of theirs. In crossing the fence I was greeted by the chirp of a song sparrow. In a willow, The Song Sparrow generally flicks its tail and opens 
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 its wings with a jerk to emphasize its remarks. Then I crossed the field and went down in a cool ravine. Coming up out of this I crossed a fence and entered a place covered with hazel brush and gooseberry bushes with a few thornapple trees and elms. After going nearly to the edge of the woods a grapevine growing out over the river attracted my attention and approaching it I heard a bird 
moving in it. I came closer and a