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Sept 14 Thursday.
The Maryland Yellowthroat scolds when no one is around. I was [[?]] over on the school grounds when one came hunting along in the weeds by the ditch uttering a harsh illnatured [[underlined]] tchirup [[/underlined]].
Sept 17, Sunday.
Saw a Maryland Yellowthroat out by the barn. It was a male as could be seen by his black mask. I do not think that they change their colors in the fall. This one 

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would nervously twitch his tail, and give a tchirrup as he peered at me through the leaves. then nervously hopping away farther at last he flew off along the ground with a bobby? twitching flight like a chicadee
[[break indicated by a line]]
This afternoon I went down by the ditch. In a patch of sticktights, the flower of which is called snuff weed, I saw a family of Indigo Buntings. The male

Transcription Notes:
Some of the pencil is very faded, and it's difficult to decipher - maybe being able to turn up the contrast might help.