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was growing dull. They were very shy and I could only see them when they were moving. They uttered a shy [[underlined]] tsik [[/underlined]] or a sudden [[underlined]] gip [[/underlined]]. When one started to fly any distance it would come into plain sight and give a long harsh in drawn [[underlined]] tseek-es [[/underlined]] keeping it up on the wing.  Three goldfinches, a male female + young one were feeding on sunflower stick-tights.  The male was turning brown.  He would hang
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head down like a chicadee after seeds.  The young one kept up a whispered [[underlined]][[se-pe se-pe]][[/underlined]] all the time.
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Coming home I was watching some English Sparrows in Mr. Petteys currant bushes when a reddish brown bird lit among them with harsh note like tse, tse and I saw that it was a white throated sparrow. Then I went home.

Heard an Indigo bunting singing down by