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ditch tonight just at sunset. It sang only once. after that - for I was not far off - our barn is perhaps five rods away and I was in it - I heard a few conversational tsahs as if in approval.
Sept. 18, Monday.
Went down by the ditch. just before dinner Now a description of the ditch will not be amiss. I think It is about 5 rods as I already have said from our barn. It is at the east side of the 
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school grounds. It is a ditch about 3 feet deep and 4 wide into which the water from the street is fed by under ground pipes. It is about 8 rods long from Fiske's pasture and meadow to the beginning. It is comparatively clear for the first 2 rods then till it enters the pasture its banks are overgrown with weeds generally there is water in it. As I approached it today a lot of Male Goldfinches rose up about two commenced