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Their underparts were white; breast faintly streaked with light cinnamon brown; head the same; wing streaked with black; middle back and rump same as head; tail notched; brownish. note a sharp [[underlined]] chip, tsik [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] tser [[/underlined]]. They kept talking all the time. Flight is low and direct. They kept to bushes and weeds occasionally lighting on a fence. As I crossed the ditch and entered Hackell's field a Redstart looked at
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me an instant and then went about its business of flycatching. Its belly and under tail coverts were whitish; lower breast yellow; head, back and upper breast olive green; tail tipped with black; notched. It gave no note while I watched it. It was very restless, hunting along the limbs and flitting from one bough to another. Farther on in a tree, I saw a Pine Warbler. Its underparts were yellow streaked with