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black streaks; upper fronts olive green; two white wing bars. Its habits were similar to the Redstarts but it kept higher in the trees. Then I took a short cut home.

Sept. 24, Sunday. 
Went down through the pasture. Saw some Goldfinches flying and heard a bluejay calling to another which answered. When they call they give one note like [[underlined]] jay [[/underlined]] and after a pause a 

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number like it only close together. As I crossed on to Dougherty's a Song Sparrow started up and lit on the fence at the farther side of his (D's) ground. It hopped nervously along flirting its tail and looking at me timidly. Then it shook out its feathers and after smoothing them and uttering a few low [[underlined]] [[chirrups?]] [[/underlined]] it dove into the weeds. As I approached it hopped onto the fence again and along [[out a?]]