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few feet and disappeared into a bush where it fed for some time. As I sat down to write out my notes I heard a Kingfisher give his rattling [[underlined]] kiv-r-r-r-r [[/underlined]] by the river. In the woods I saw some Redstarts in their fall dress described yesterday. Their note sounds like [[underlined]] tsa tsa tseep tseep [[/underlined]] Hacketts woods were full of them also [[Volls?]] across the river Downy Woodpeckers were also numerous. As I left the woods I 

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started a Sparrow which I know is the Swamp by the black stripes on its back and neck. I follow it till it disappears in a thick growth of weeds farther on. Here I started up several Indigo Buntings in their fall dress which consists of a white belly; head and back dark olive brown; wings streaked with black and the same; tail blackish. Just then a Meadowlark began to sing. It gave its