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Oct 5, Thursday.
This morning a bluejay came in the maple and after screaming awhile flew on to the woodshed roof and took a hazelnut - I had some drying - and flew off with it. He had done it several times.-
Oct.6 , Friday.
This morning two bluejays came. They would come and get two nuts in their bills and grabbing a full husk fly off towards Hackett's. One stayed
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a longer time than the other always. they hammered them out of the husks with their bills. Once one lit on the edge of the roof as the other dropped a nut and then it went down [[underline]] after [[/underline]] it.
When I went to look at my trays I saw a lot of Robins on the island and several Redwinged blackbirds flew over. One of them gave a queer squawk along with the [[underlined]] tsee-e-er [[/underlined]] note and I heard some bluebirds.