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Song sparrow would sing under those conditions.  I opened the back door sure enough I heard one singing away as happy as could be and down in the fields I heard meadowlark.
Oct 14, Saturday.
This morning it is clear and quite cold but the song sparrow sang away as if it was May 14 instead of October.
A flock of sparrows came down in the barnyard to feed.

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when flying some of them varied the usual [[underlined]] toit [[/underlined]] by [[underlined]] [[chwois chwoit?]] [[/underlined]].  When any of them flew over another it would squat close to the ground thinking it was a hawk.  It was nearly invisible.  They seemed to be very alert and watchful looking around, ready to fly in an instant.
A flock of about 20 Red-wings flew over all giving the whistled [[underlined]] seeer [[/underlined]].  It was very musical.

Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure what to do when the author has inserted a line break at the end of a paragraph as on the first page of this scan. Should I ignore? Add it in brackets like so: [[line break]]? Or perhaps add in a line like so: __ ? Thanks for any guidance.