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of the hole.  
Went on farther to the edge of the brush and some bluebirds.  Heard me give his song of [[underlined]] [[tom trually?]] [[/underlined]].  saw one on the ground.  After awhile one lit in the top of a tree.  It sang and said [[underlined]] turwee [[/underlined]] for some time.  If gave one note like [[underlined]] trap [[/underlined]].  The flight is swift and regular.  It is more flapping than the robins.  A kingfisher started to light on a 

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limb a foot away.  He saw me and flew away.  His flight was direct and swift.  Then I went home.  
Oct 16, Monday.  
saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings this morning.  They had two notes one was a faint indrawn [[underlined]] se-e [[/underlined]] and the other a louder harsher [[underlined]] gup [[/underlined]].
When the sparrows are feeding or roosting or nesting in flocks or anything they maybe doing an