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parasites on cow manure. It went up in a tree and then folded its wings and dropped head first to the ground about 30 feet distant. It hunted for food looking for stumps and rotten sticks all the time. A rod or so farther on I saw another female of the same species but larger by 1/2. The first one gave no notes but this one gave a [[steely?]] [[underlined]] skik [[/underlined]]

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 exactly like the Hairy woodpeckers. This one was on a log over grown with grass and bushes. When it came to any of these it would lightly jump over them. The bill is black. 
Coming home I saw my Red-Head again [[underlined]] his [[/underlined]] bill is yellow. He bowed to me very politely jerking out the [[underlined]] Rir - r - ruck [[/underlined]] notes suddenly. He perched on a small limb like a [[passire?]]