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to light on an icy twig but slipped and was forced to hop to another. 

Feb. 10, Saturday.
This morning a Downy Woodpecker came to get some suet. there was not much of it and he flew off.
I walked out to see if there was much of it left. I was about 6 feet below the piece in the maple when I looked and saw a white-breasted Nuthatch

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was eating suet

Heard a crow caw for the first time this winter over south 
It caw was short like [[underline]] ta ta ta. [[/underlined]] A flock of about 100 Pine Siskins flew over and lit down in the bottoms.
Feb. 11, Sunday.
Hung out some suet this morning just as I put up the last piece the Male Downy Woodpecker came. The cat would walk up and when He