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and the White-breasted Nuthatch fly in long curves. The English Sparrow takes longer curves than the others.

Feb. 17, Saturday.
This morning a White-breasted Nuthatch was out in the little elm. He was singing [[wavy underline]] 
êry-êry-êry [[/wavy underline]]. He would raise his head up and gradually lower it with his body till it was even with the branch while he was giving the song.

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I heard some birds that looked like Pine Siskins flying this morning. They lit on a tall weed over by Mr. Fisks. Their notes were sharper than those of the Pine Siskin.

They were Red-polls [[half erased]] the f [[/half erased]] and I was glad to see them. Their notes were [[wavy underline]] chétt chévétt [[/wavy underline]]
The back was brownish grey streaked with black and and a white stripe on the lower back.
Wings with one white bar. belly and breast