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In the afternoon about 2 oclock I went for a walk as I got near Fisk's pasture a Horned Lark flew over.
I heard one singing and went to look for it. It was standing erect on a log and singing. Another answered. It was like a duet. The song sounded like [[wavy underline]] Kŭl-Kĭp Kŭl Kĭp Kŭl-Kĭp-plē Kĭp-plē Kĭp-plē pu lē [[/wavy underline]] I tried to get through

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the fence but it flew and lit on a wire on another fence and continued to sing. The other gave a low sweet song that I could hardly hear. It was very tender. The first one then flew away to hunt for food.
I followed it but it was quite wild. It walked. The bird squatted down to pick up seeds but rose to its full height to sing. Its head bobbed a little when it walked. It ran