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in the night and I could see the Junco's tracks in it.


Mar. 3, Saturday.
This morning a large flock of Redpolls were feeding out in Petteys'. They were very tame. They feed on pigweed. A cat that was trying to get them could only get within 6 feet.


Heard a Chicadee give the Whistled

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[[wavy underline]] phoebe [[wavy underline]] note this afternoon. It is a sign of spring.


Mar.6, Tuesday.
There is about 15 inches of snow on the ground. The birds keep down in the woods now. This morning a male Evening Grosbeak flew over from the west. He gave a loud note like [[wavy underline]] tér-r-r [[/wavy underline]] some [[overwritten]] in [[/overwritten]] thing like a bell it sounded. As he got even with pettey's box elder