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Heard an Owl hoot over west tonight just before dark. It sounded like [[wavy underline]] whoo whoo-whoo-whoo [[/wavy underline]]. (Barred Owl. Routed out the bluejay again.


Mar 10, Saturday.
This morning I took the alarm out of an old clock and put a brake on it. I was going to call woodpeckers with it by letting

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the hammer hit [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a dry log.

A Female Hairy Woodpecker was out on Petteys woodpile. I rattled to it and it answered [[wavy underline]] skék [[/wavy underline]] and could not understand where that woodpecker was. I next tried it ma [[insertion]] Male [[/insertion]] white-breasted nuthatch but he did not like it. A big flock of Redpoll's [[overwritten]] is [[/overwritten]] were flying around and singing.
