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Mar. 17, Saturday.

This afternoon 6 or 7 Redpolls fed out in the road with the English Sparrows. They flew up and lit apart from the others.


Mar. 18 Sunday

This morning after breakfast the male Downy Woodpecker came to the suet. He looked up once when I called to him. Some Redpolls gave the gave the [[wavy underline]] pē-ēi [[/wavy underline]] note and he looked

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around to see what it was. He then flew to a lower branches of the maple and hopped to the top and flew off.


Went down toward H. Smith's and heard an English Sparrow singing. Saw an American Goldfinch over by the ditch. It was calling. When it saw me it flew down into the weeds. It was the first Spring bird I had seen.