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[[strikethrough]] Department of American Pre-Historic Pottery.
[[underline]] Section of aboriginal pottery. [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]]


[[strikethrough]] [[double underline]] Wm H Holmes [[/double underline]] [[underline]] ^[[Hon-]] Curator - [[/underline]]  [[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]] Report of ^[[the]] Curator. [[/underline]]
                                             Jan - June 85

      The greater part of the collection of aboriginal american pottery has been placed in the N.W. Court of the Museum. A preliminary classification has been made and as soon as the ^[[necessary]] cases are completed a representative series will be placed on exhibition.
      The wall cases have been finished and are now occupied, chiefly, by the very extensive collection of modern pueblo ware. The arrangement is only temporary, however, as the final placing will not be attempted until the more recent additions [[strikethrough]] of this section [[/strikethrough]] are catalogued. During the year a large case has been constructed for the Center of the hall and plans have been made for a number of smaller cases for the floor.
      The year is remarkable for the great number of additions to the collection, upwards of ten thousand earthen vessels having been acquired and entered upon the books. These have