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been obtained through purchase, exchange and donation, as well as through the various agents of the museum.
      The Bureau of Ethnology has contributed upwards of six- thousand pieces. These comprise the collections of James Stevenson from the modern pueblos, of Victor Mindeleff, E. H. Nelson and H. C. Yarrow from the ancient ruins of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, and of Dr. ^[[Cyrus]] Thomas from the Valley of the Mississippi.
      A small collection of interesting fragments from the shell mounds of Maryland [[strikethrough]] has been [[/strikethrough]] ^[[was]] donated by Mr. J. D. McGuire and a number of fugitive pieces have come from various southern states. A valuable addition to the Mexican collection, consisting of about one hundred pieces, mostly in a fragmentary state, has been acquired, by donation, from W. H. Holmes.
      Perhaps the most unique and important acquisition of the year is that of some three-thousand vases from the ancient tombs of Chiriqui, state of Columbia. This collection