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^[[Regard? Holmes K2 upper]]]
Section of Aboriginal pottery
Jan 1st 1885 to July 1st 85]]

Work in the ceramic court has been confined chiefly to labeling, cataloguing and classifying the [[strikethrough]] collections [[/strikethrough]] ^[[accessions]] of the preceding summer and fall.

      The very extensive collections of pueblo material made 
for the Worlds Cotton Centennial arrived from the west too late to be made fully available for exhibition but a small representative series of vessels and other objects of clay was forwarded to New Orleans.

      The collection of ancient pottery recently obtained from Chiriquiniqui, Panama, and partially paid for from the Exposition funds was also represented. In July these exhibits were, along with other museum materials, transferred to the Louisville Exposition where they will remain until November.

      It is hoped that a portion at least of the pottery court will be opened to the public by the end of the present year.

[[signed]] W H Holmes