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Park Avenue at 57th Street
New York


April 24, 1918.

Dear Sirs:

The Liberty Loan Committee invites your        co-operation in making the store windows on Fifth Avenue as attractive as possible for the FINAL DRIVE to be made on APRIL 26th to MAY 4th, inclusive. To do this it will be necessary to make all the windows on Fifth Avenue uniform, and you are especially invited to decorate your window appropriately with Red, White and Blue, and insert in the window a slogan suitable for the Liberty Loan Drive. It is preferred that this slogan should be written, or printed, by hand and to be as original as you can make the same. Suggestions will be furnished, if desired. The Committee will allot certain war trophies to each block, so as to have each block as interesting to the public as possible.

It is suggested that besides draping the windows with the tri-color, Allies flags might be used on the exteriors, and perhaps one war relic displayed in the window on a simple background only, so as to make this war relic as effective as possible.

If you would like to have and could appropriately display a war relic, the Committee will do their best to supply you with such to place in your window. If you should have some suitable ornament, however, it will be equally as good, and with the addition of the slogan which you adopt, we are sure that the effect will be all that will be desired.

Will you kindly communicate your willingness to do this to the Headquarters of the Liberty Loan Committee, at #22 East 42nd Street, and any request which you might make for a war relic will be delt with as far as it lies in the power of the Committee to do so, and at least we will try and supply you with some original posters.

Please make a point to have the decorations completed by the morning of the 26th, as the Big Parade starts about noon on that day.

Yours very truly,
[[signed]] H. Norton [[/signed]]


[[stamped]]DICTATED BUT NOT READ[[/stamped]]

The Hayden Company